2 years agoIn Greek Mythology The Poem called The Odyssey is about the Ithacan King called Odysseus Kefalonioszacharydenman
1 year agoOrnate Buildings Designed with Tartarian Architecture always had a Fire #tartaria #oldworldzacharydenman
1 year agoIn Great Tartaria They Used Cymatic Technology that Pulled The Telluric Energy from the Atmospherezacharydenman
1 year agoGreat Tartaria built many Star Fortresses around the World that used the Telluric energy #starfortszacharydenman
1 year agoThe Tartarian Empire and Great Tartaria had huge worldwide influence #tartaria #tartarianzacharydenman
2 years agoThe National Socialist Germans called them Fliegende Scheiben ( Flying Disks ) #ufos #flyingdisczacharydenman
2 years agoWhat do they research in Antartica? #antartica #research #hollow #earth #conspiracy #alientechzacharydenman
1 year agoDid the Orphan Train Children escape the Mud Flood of Mainland Europe ? #orphantrains #tartariazacharydenman
2 years agoRear Admiral Richard Byrd led Operation Highjump which was is Fourth Antarctic Expedition #antarticazacharydenman
2 years agoProphetic Update: A Massive Shaking Has Hit Media, the church, the Rockstar Community/Hollywood!!The Michele Denman Show
2 years agoHow God Saved Matthew Perry, the well-known actor, from "Friends!!"The Michele Denman Show
2 years agoA Revival of God's Love/Bob Jones Kansas City Chiefs Prophecy/Super Bowl/The Jesus Revolution!!The Michele Denman Show
2 years agoThe Lord confirms His Word about Hollywood/Shaking!! Sadly, Lisa Marie Presley passes away!!The Michele Denman Show
2 years agoA Vision of Azusa Street Revival/Marcus Rogers Prophesying about Kanye West (Ye)The Michele Denman Show
2 years agoProphetic Word about the Queen Fulfilled: A Sign From the Lord!! The Unveiling about what truly happened to Princess Diana!!The Michele Denman Show
1 year ago🟠The Truth about Before Tartaria Existed - Sacred Wisdom Podcast (ZAC - Zachary Denman)FlatEarther46
1 year agoDerek Prince shared a prophecy for this time: Will we choose the nature of the Lamb or Beast?The Michele Denman Show
1 year agoThe Brahmastra was detonated at the end of the final 18 day conflict of Kurukshetra #nuclearwarzacharydenman