1. 110_how to move the cursor one word with alt left or right arrows

    110_how to move the cursor one word with alt left or right arrows

  2. 10_how to bash twitter channel

    10_how to bash twitter channel

  3. 38_how to "find out where you are in your file directory" with the "pwd" command

    38_how to "find out where you are in your file directory" with the "pwd" command

  4. 26_what is a terminal emulator?

    26_what is a terminal emulator?

  5. 66_how to move backwards one character with ctrl b

    66_how to move backwards one character with ctrl b

  6. 202_how to "remove ALL the permissions from the group permission set" with "chmod"

    202_how to "remove ALL the permissions from the group permission set" with "chmod"

  7. 199_how to "remove the read and write permissions from the group permission set" with "chmod"

    199_how to "remove the read and write permissions from the group permission set" with "chmod"

  8. 209_how to "remove the read and execute permission from the other permission set" with "chmod"

    209_how to "remove the read and execute permission from the other permission set" with "chmod"

  9. 176_how to "remove the write permission from the group permission set" with "chmod"

    176_how to "remove the write permission from the group permission set" with "chmod"

  10. 256_how to "see what groups a user is part of" with the "su dash c" command

    256_how to "see what groups a user is part of" with the "su dash c" command

  11. 213_how to "add the write and execute permission to the other permission set" with "chmod"

    213_how to "add the write and execute permission to the other permission set" with "chmod"

  12. 221_the two ways to change file permissions

    221_the two ways to change file permissions

  13. 223_what are octal mode bits?

    223_what are octal mode bits?

  14. 226_what are alphabetical permissions?

    226_what are alphabetical permissions?

  15. 225_what are numerical permissions?

    225_what are numerical permissions?

  16. 212_how to "add read and write permission to the other permission set" with "chmod"

    212_how to "add read and write permission to the other permission set" with "chmod"

  17. 28_what is the "prompt" in the bash shell?

    28_what is the "prompt" in the bash shell?

  18. 52_what is the relative path in the bash shell?

    52_what is the relative path in the bash shell?

  19. 302_how to "see the uid of other users" with the "id" command

    302_how to "see the uid of other users" with the "id" command

  20. 301_how to "see your user id" with the "id dash u" command

    301_how to "see your user id" with the "id dash u" command

  21. 300_what is uid in linux?

    300_what is uid in linux?

  22. 254_how to "log into a user account" with the "su dash" command

    254_how to "log into a user account" with the "su dash" command

  23. 299_how to "create a file inside an already existing directory" with the "touch" command

    299_how to "create a file inside an already existing directory" with the "touch" command

  24. 258_how to "lock out a user" with the "passwd" command

    258_how to "lock out a user" with the "passwd" command