Social Credit Score | "Right Now You Can Sweep the Data Up from Your Automobile Driving, You Can Sweep Up Your Social Media Usage & Based Upon That Decide How to Underwrite & Make a Loan." - Gary Gensler (SEC Chair - April 18th 2023)
CBDC | "A CBDC System Is a Complete Control System." - Catherine Austin Fitts | CBDC | "Mark My Words. We're Going to Have a Banking Collapse. The FED Will Say Look We Have to Stop This. All You Have to Do Is Sign In." - Glenn Bec
Dollar | Dollar Collapse & De-Dollarization Worldwide | What If the Dollar Fails? Wooden Nickels? "There Is NO LEGAL LIMIT On the Amount of Dollars That the FED Can Print." - Jim Rickards (Lawyer, Economist, Investment Banker, Speaker)
Yuval Noah Harari | “Artificial Intelligence Can Do Many Good Things for Us. But, It Can Also DESTROY US. A.I. Is Different from Every Previous Invention In Human History. A.I. Is Different. It’s the First Invention In Human History"