Senator Bob Hall | "We Pledge To Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes, And Our Sacred Honor. Folks That's All In. It Might Be a Job But It's Not Your Life, Sacred Honor, or Your Fortune"
LIVE: Pres. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy - 9/21/24 | Join Eric Trump, Navarro, Flynn, Kash, Julie Green, Amanda Grace & Team America October 17-18 In Selma, NC (Request Tix Via Text 918-851-0102)
CBDC | Yuval Noah Harari | "Bio-Engineering 2,000 Years Ago In China?! Yes. It's Called Castration. Castration Is Bio-Engineering. A.I. Can Potentially Take Power Away from Us. You Apply for a University or a Job"