4 months agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 808: This UPCI preacher from San Antonio has 34 years experienceChristianComedyChannel
2 years agoHas the Church Lost Its Expectation - Pastor Roy Marran #preaching #upci #apostolic #pentecostaltruthacmadisonville
2 years agoReinstatement - Evangelist Bobby Wade #preach #upci #apostolic #pentecostaltruthacmadisonville
2 years agoCurrent Casualties of Past Realities - Bro. Matt Gallimore #sermon #upci #apostolic #pentecostaltruthacmadisonville
2 years agoWould You Surprise God If...? - Pastor Roy Marran #sermon #preaching #upci #apostolic #pentecostaltruthacmadisonville
2 years agoWhat About Me? - Pastor Roy Marran #sermon #preaching #upci #apostolic #pentecostaltruthacmadisonville
2 years agoBuild an Altar in Your World - Bishop Douglas White #preach #upci #apostolic #sermonshorttruthacmadisonville
2 years agoAltars are going to take you somewhere - Evangelist Bobby Wade #upci #apostolic #sermontruthacmadisonville
2 years agoSacrificing the easy way! - Pastor Roy Marran #sermon #preaching #upci #apostolic #pentecostaltruthacmadisonville
2 years agoPersuasive Voices - Bro. Tim Main #sermon #preaching #upci #apostolic #pentecostaltruthacmadisonville
2 years agoThe Lion Mentality - Bro Matthew Gallimore #sermon #preaching #upci #apostolic #pentecostaltruthacmadisonville
2 years agoCoffee Bar Confessions - Bro. Jaken Orten #upci #apostolic #talkshow #encouragementcoffeebarconfessions
2 years agoCommitment #Apostolic #upci #Pentecostal #podcast #vlog #talkshow #Christian #talkradio #commitmentcoffeebarconfessions
2 years agoBible meaning of Worship & Praise (Part Two) #sermon #preaching #upci #apostolic #pentecostaltruthacmadisonville
2 years agoThe Stench of Your Miracle #sermon #preaching #upci #apostolic #pentecostaltruthacmadisonville
2 years agoThe Taste of Your Idols #sermon #preaching #upci #apostolic #pentecostaltruthacmadisonville
2 years agoWhen Your Foundation Matters #sermon #preaching #upci #apostolic #pentecostaltruthacmadisonville
1 year agoUPCI Apostolic Preaching: Victory is a Decision Josh Herring #onenesspreaching #yashuaCOLT LOCKWOOD PROJECT
7 months agoReligious Folk in Dialogue 765: UPCI in Texas USA on the Incarnation 2 of 2ChristianComedyChannel