Mike in the Night! E513, Massive Vaccine side effects kicking in ! , Civil war between truthers, The sound of Freedom, Covid , Climate change, Proxy wars, is a mass Mind Control Operation. Call ins Edwardo,
Mike in the Night E493, FDA confirms Graphene Oxide, is in the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines, Headline News, U.S. dollar loses global reserve currency status,
Militant Socialists are Organized to Break Laws and Indoctrinate Children | 5G Can Activate Bioweapons in our Bodies Through Graphene Oxide Carrier | Politicians are Funneling Donations for Expensive Nepotism | Karlyn Borysenko, Sen (Ret) Ted Harvey
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Dr. Judy Mikovits Has 5 Questions for Dr. Robert Malone | Why Did Dr. Robert Malone Create mRNA Technology & Why Is Dr. Malone Part of NIH ACTIV?