1. Unreasonable Demands on a Nine and a Half Hour Flight A Story of a Man Escorted Off a Plane #groovy

    Unreasonable Demands on a Nine and a Half Hour Flight A Story of a Man Escorted Off a Plane #groovy

  2. UPDATED: Entitled Mom Demands I Quit Guitar Lessons And Gets Schooled | r/EntitledParents

    UPDATED: Entitled Mom Demands I Quit Guitar Lessons And Gets Schooled | r/EntitledParents

  3. r/EntitledParents | Entitled Kid Wants To Shot Water At MyDog And I Break His Gun

    r/EntitledParents | Entitled Kid Wants To Shot Water At MyDog And I Break His Gun

  4. How To Look At Your Homie 🍆 Without Being Obvious

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  5. Karen's Epic Customer Service Battle Groovin' through the Unsatisfactory Sandwich Saga

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  6. Entitled Mom CallsThe Cops On Me Saying I “Touched Her” But I Have Video Proof Of Her Lies | Reddit

    Entitled Mom CallsThe Cops On Me Saying I “Touched Her” But I Have Video Proof Of Her Lies | Reddit

  7. Karen's Rant Witnessing a Neighbor's Unhinged Harassment in Riverview, Florida #crazykarens

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  8. r/EntitledPeople Hotel Staffer Wages WAR On Entitled Colleague Who HATES To Work | Reddit Stories

    r/EntitledPeople Hotel Staffer Wages WAR On Entitled Colleague Who HATES To Work | Reddit Stories

  9. Entitled People | Entitled Woman Tries To Slap Me For Not Helping Her And I Get Her Arrested

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