Journalist Liz Crokin, Pizzagate + Heartbreaking to Hear Naysayers Saying it's Just a Few Bad Apples or Satanic Panic + In Reality Pizzagate is Only the Tip of the Iceberg, There is So Much More to Uncover, Breeder Programs etc.
Torture That Was Used + The Body Decays Quickly After Death, People Were Eaten Alive + Tapping People's Blood, Too Weak to Escape+ Gloria Vanderbilt Used Organs Taken From Victims for Divination
Gloria Vanderbilt's Hidden Room, Mummification and Taxidermy, Doll House with Dolls Made from Dead Infants + "Dream Boxes" + A Spiritual Force Was Present
Satan's End-Time Agenda to Send His Demonic Army Through the Spiritual Gates and Usurp the Throne of God, It Requires Demonic Possession so Humans Can Carry Them Through the Gates + Astral Projection, Near Death Experience (NDE) and Life After Death
The Sacred Heart of Mary, Girls Either Enter the Breeder Program or They're Used for Sacrifice + The Seed of Cain, Godhood, Encouraged to Spread Their Seed As Much as Possible
The First Blasphemy, 1 of 5 Branches of the System, First Taught that They're Christian But Then Vocalise that God is not the Only God, Seed + Anderson Cooper is a High Priest in the Luciferian Brotherhood (and so was his Brother Carter)
Adrenochrome, Jessie's Experience, Highest Levels of Witchcraft + Alchemy and Herbalism, Body Parts, Brain Chemicals + Effects and Procurement of Adrenochrome
Difficulty in School with Reading & Math, Dr. Seuss, Charles Dickens, Some Teachers Were Not in the System + Got Out of the System At the Age of 10, Pretty Normal Life until the Age of 44
The System Tried to Get Jessie To Come Back In + Trust Fund, Heads of the 13 Families, Random People Saying Things, Invitations & the Poem That Jessie's Proctor Wrote + Death Threat