Robin Williams | "Joe Says Sh$# That Even People w/ Tourettes Say No To." + "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Has Become a Reality." - Klaus Schwab + "Dr. Schwab I'm Flattered You'd Ask Me to Keynote. Mastering the Fourt
The Great Reset | Why Is the Media Now Pushing Eating Bugs As the "New Normal?" | "The Fourth Industrial Is An All-Consuming Industrial Revolution. Affecting All Services, All Products and All People." - Gordon Brown (Former PM of the
Klaus Schwab | What Is the Connection to Klaus Schwab, the Third Reich and Adolf Hitler? | What Is the Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution?
Doug Billings | Why Is Biden Abandoning Ohio? Why Is James O’Keefe Being Pushed Out Of Project Veritas? + What Are the Updates On the Brunson Case? | “Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” - Joe Biden
Peter McCullough | "Within a Few Months of the COVID-19 Crisis, He Publishes a Book Called COVID-19 / The Great Reset. The Fourth Industrial Revolution Is Not About Changing Industries Its About Changing Human Beings." - Doctor Peter McCullough
Klaus Schwab | Biden Delivers Keynote On "Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution" & Schwab Describes Biden As, "You Were One of the Most Engaged and Hardest Working Members of the World Economic Forum."