1. #650 - City of Chicago Declares a 'Ceasefire"... In Gaza, NOT CHICAGO!

    #650 - City of Chicago Declares a 'Ceasefire"... In Gaza, NOT CHICAGO!

  2. #651 - Report: Hamas Has Hijacked 50-60% of The Humanitarian Aid Trucks Entering Gaza

    #651 - Report: Hamas Has Hijacked 50-60% of The Humanitarian Aid Trucks Entering Gaza

  3. #633 - Federal Judge Strikes Down CA's New 'Gun Free Zone' Law, Calling it "Repugnant"

    #633 - Federal Judge Strikes Down CA's New 'Gun Free Zone' Law, Calling it "Repugnant"

  4. #665 - 'Progressive Leaders' Sanctuary-City Policies Blamed by Chicago Democrats for Migrant Crisis

    #665 - 'Progressive Leaders' Sanctuary-City Policies Blamed by Chicago Democrats for Migrant Crisis

  5. #720 - Biden Admin Sends Iran Condolences After Mass Murderer President Killed in Helicopter Crash

    #720 - Biden Admin Sends Iran Condolences After Mass Murderer President Killed in Helicopter Crash

  6. #729 - AG Garland Takes The Hot Seat in Congress & Melts Under The Pressure

    #729 - AG Garland Takes The Hot Seat in Congress & Melts Under The Pressure

  7. #609 - Olympic Champion: My ‘Testicles … Don’t Make Me Less of a Woman’

    #609 - Olympic Champion: My ‘Testicles … Don’t Make Me Less of a Woman’

  8. #617 - Biden Apologizes to Muslims for Doubting Hamas Claim on Gaza

    #617 - Biden Apologizes to Muslims for Doubting Hamas Claim on Gaza

  9. #648 - Enemy Drone Mistaken for US Aircraft Kills 3 American Soldiers in Jordan

    #648 - Enemy Drone Mistaken for US Aircraft Kills 3 American Soldiers in Jordan

  10. #636 - 25 State Attorneys General Join The Fight Against CA's Magazine Ban

    #636 - 25 State Attorneys General Join The Fight Against CA's Magazine Ban

  11. #658 - DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Has Been Impeached

    #658 - DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Has Been Impeached

  12. #628 - Supreme Court to Hear Case That Could Upend Hundreds of Jan 6 Cases

    #628 - Supreme Court to Hear Case That Could Upend Hundreds of Jan 6 Cases

  13. #664 - Google's New AI Refuses To Generate Images of White People #NoWhitesAllowed

    #664 - Google's New AI Refuses To Generate Images of White People #NoWhitesAllowed

  14. #717 - NFL Kicker Attacked for Speech Promoting Christian Values

    #717 - NFL Kicker Attacked for Speech Promoting Christian Values

  15. #715 - ‘NO Climate Crisis’ Says Coalition of 1,600 Actual Scientists

    #715 - ‘NO Climate Crisis’ Says Coalition of 1,600 Actual Scientists

  16. #711 -The Boy Has Been Removed from The Boy Scouts of America

    #711 -The Boy Has Been Removed from The Boy Scouts of America

  17. #682 - An Obama Judge Rules That Illegal Immigrants Have 2A Rights

    #682 - An Obama Judge Rules That Illegal Immigrants Have 2A Rights

  18. #601 - Rep. Rashida Tlaib Continues to Promote Hamas Disinformation

    #601 - Rep. Rashida Tlaib Continues to Promote Hamas Disinformation

  19. #615 - Biden DOJ prosecute 75-year-old pro-life activist but takes no action on violent DNC rioters

    #615 - Biden DOJ prosecute 75-year-old pro-life activist but takes no action on violent DNC rioters

  20. #616 - MLB All Star Game Returns to Atlanta - New Voter Law Not Racist After All

    #616 - MLB All Star Game Returns to Atlanta - New Voter Law Not Racist After All

  21. #611 - Illegals Are Fleeing Sanctuary Cities for Home. "The American Dream doesn’t exist anymore"

    #611 - Illegals Are Fleeing Sanctuary Cities for Home. "The American Dream doesn’t exist anymore"

  22. #605 - George Soros Funds Organizers of Prop-Hamas Protests

    #605 - George Soros Funds Organizers of Prop-Hamas Protests

  23. #642 - Washington State Democrats Argue That Possessing Ammunition is a Privilege, Not a Right

    #642 - Washington State Democrats Argue That Possessing Ammunition is a Privilege, Not a Right

  24. #627 - Student failed quiz for saying men can’t get pregnant

    #627 - Student failed quiz for saying men can’t get pregnant
