Shadow-Work: One of the Most Important Karmic Exercises That Must Be Exercised Properly. | Sarah Elkhaldy (The Alchemist) | #ShadowWorkForANewYear #HappyNewYear 🎆
New Moon 🌙 in Sagittarius 12/1/24 🃏🎴🀄️ Collective Reading | This Energy is Perfect for Expanding One’s Horizons and Making New Friends/Connections. Set New Intentions, Lean into Your Abilities, and Prepare for the New Freshness to Come!
JACK FR❄️ST [Becomes Human] (1979 Full Winter TV Special) | Drama/Musical/Animation | Summary: Higher Dimensional Being Descends/Gets Stuck as Human After Being Romanced by Low-Resolution (One Can Even Say FALSE) "Romantic" Love.
JACK FR❄️ST (1979 Full Winter TV Special) | Drama/Musical/Stop Motion Animation | Summary: Higher Dimensional Being Descends/Gets Stuck as Human After Being Romanced by Low-Resolution (One Can Even Say FALSE) "Romantic" Love.