Elon Musk | "At Some Point As AI Get Better Eventually It Will Be Able to Do Everything Humans Can Do. Will Our Lives Have Meaning? Maybe That's Why We Need to Neuralink So We Can Keep Up With the Machines." - 1/8/2025
Elon Musk | "In Order to Have Better Human / AI Symbiosis We Must Solve Bandwidth Problem. 8 Billion People In the World, a Few Billion Are Going to Want This (Neuralink). Device Should Be $5-$10K. The 600 Second Surgery."
Elon Musk | What Is Neuralink? "We Put a Chip In Your Brain to Control Your Mind. The Idea (of Neuralink) Would Be to Achieve Symbiosis Between Our Biological Mind & Our Digital Mind."
Neuralink | "Imagine the Joy of Connecting w/ Your Loved Ones, Browsing the Web Or Playing Games Using Only Your Thoughts. This Is Made Possible By Placing a Small Cosmetically Invisible Implant Into a Part of Your Brain That Controls Movements."
Peter Thiel | Founders Fund, Thiel's Venture Capital Firm, Led Neuralink Investment + "Long-Term Goal Is to Mitigate the Risk of A.I. By Having a Closer Symbiosis Between Human Intelligence & Digital Intelligence." - Elon Musk
Elon Musk | "To Have Better Human / AI Symbiosis We Must Solve Bandwidth Problem. 8 Billion People In the World, a Few Billion Are Going to Want This (Neuralink). Device Should Be $5-$10K. The 600 Second Surgery." 10/28/24
Elon Musk | "We Could Literally Change a Setting In Your Brain & Turn Off Hunger. A Sufficiently Advanced Neuralink Would Be Able to Save State. Is It Possible to Clone Humans? Of Course." - Elon Musk (8/4/2022) | Rev 16:12-14
Elon Musk | "Neuralink Enables a Full Recording of Memories & All of Your Feelings & Everything. Everything You've Ever Felt. It's All Electrical Signals. You Could Record Everything." - Elon Musk (8/4/2022) | Rev 16:12-14
Elon Musk | "Elon Musk's Neuralink Has FDA Approval for Study of Brain Implants In Humans." - Reuters (May 26th 2023) Why Do Yuval Noah Harari, Elon Musk, Klaus Schwab, & The Chinese Communist All Agree On Brain-Computer Interfaces?
The Great Reset Explained | IF IT GOES UNDER YOUR SKIN, THEY WIN w/ Special Guest Doctor Troy Spurrill of www.OfficialSynapse.com + What Is Elon Musk's Neuralink? What Is E-Verify? "You Can Connect Several Brains Together." - Yuval Harari
The Great Reset | Klaus Schwab's Great Reset Agenda Explained In Their Own Words Including: Internet of Bodies, Internet of Things, CBDCs, BRICS, Brain Chips, Neuralink, Surveillance Under Skin "How Could Things Get Worse?!"
Elon Musk | "With a Neuralink You Can Operate A Phone Even Faster Than Someone w/ Working Thumbs. You Can Enable People to Walk Again. We Are Getting Jesus Level Stuff. Jesus Level!" - Elon Musk (8/4/2022) | Rev 16:12-14
Elon Musk | "Musk's Neuralink Has FDA Approval for Brain Implants In Humans." (Reuters 5/16/2023) Why Do Harari, Musk, Schwab, & The Chinese Communist Agree On Brain-Computer Interfaces? "Antivirus for the Brain" H.R.666?