Sacha Stone EXPOSES the Sad-Guru Sadhguru! | WE in 5D: I Told You Before, if They Have a Very Public Visually Accessible Persona with Great Traditional Costumes Such as That, They ARE the NWO.
Indie R's Speakeasy Podcast: Episode 3 | Creating Your Reality Even in These Tough Times, Trump Fan Vs. Trump Supporter (Requires Context), Trump Stuck Between Two Versions of Technocracy, Sexuality, Shadow & Hypocrisy, CIVIL WAR(?), and More!
Because WW2 Was Never Fully Integrated Humanity May be on a WW3 Timeline. Matías De Stefano KEEPS IT REAL with You! A WW3 Doesn’t Mean [You] Don’t Have Divine Protection. | Know Thyself Podcast (Full Interview Linked in the Description ⇩)
Bad News (Hopefully Turns Good): Reiner Fuëllmich's 2nd Nuremberg Project Exposing Covid as the First Step Towards the Collapse of Society to Make Society Dependent on Illuminati Institutions Has Been Set Up, Making for an Illegal Arrest!