Iowa State Univ: Student Dressed Like "Jesus" Mocks the Gospel, Hypocrite Joins Forces With Potty Mouths, Trans, A Homosexual Female "Pastor" Holds God Is Queer Sign, Huge Crowd Eventually Gets Smaller And Great Questions Emerge
University of Tennessee at Knoxville: Several Great Conversations w/ Atheists, Skeptics & Christians, One Sinner Dumps Ranch Dressing All Over Me, A Muslim Threatens to Murder Me, The Gospel of Jesus Christ Goes Forth!
Dream From Subscriber Confirms What Holy Spirit Told Me: Trump Will Allow Russia & China To Nuke The USA, Trump's Daniel 9:27 Confirmation of the Covenant, The Original Land Grant Given For Israel, Sukkot Enforced By Jesus In 1000 Year Reign
Oregon State University: Lesbians Kissing, Catholics Railing, Students Booing -- What Began As 40-50 Students Mushroomed Into A Crowd of 200 Students As The Gospel of Jesus Christ Was Preached
Sam Houston State University: Dealing w/ Luke Warm Christians Defending Sin, Then the Homosexuals Come Out, One Student Dressed In Full Clown Suit Mocks the Gospel, Exalting Jesus Christ to A Lively Crowd