The RSB Show 3-23-23 - Jonathan Emord, Trump Indictment a ‘Disgusting Abuse of Power’, Central bank digital currency, Eliminate Fauci’s NIAID, Dr, James Chappell, Natural healing, Heart health
Twitter | Why Is the New CEO of Twitter (Linda Yaccarino) A Member of the World Economic Forum? Why Do Albert Bourla, Elon Musk, & Xi Jinping Agree On mRNA Technology & Human Machine Symbiosis? "We Could Merge w/ Artificial Intelligence."
CBDC | Are Xi & Putin Referring to the Ending the U.S. Dollar As the World's Reserve Currency? "We're Seeing a Chance We Haven't Seen In 100 Years & We're Driving This Change Together." - Xi Jin (Speaking to Putin)
Great Reset | HAPPENING NOW! International Criminal Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin + China’s President Xi to Visit Vladimir Putin in Russia
China & Russia | "We Are for Use of Chinese Yuan In Settlements Between Russia & the Countries of Asia, Africa & Latin America." - Vladimir Putin (President of Russia) "Change We Haven't Seen In 100 Years." - Xi Jinpin
Elon Musk | WeCHAT | Does X Mark the Spot? What Do Elon Musk, Klaus Schwab, Xi Jinping & Yuval Noah Harari Agree On Universal Basic Income, mRNA Under the Skin, Carbon Footprint Tracking & Connecting Brains to the Internet?
Elon Musk | Does X Mark the Spot? What Do Elon Musk, Klaus Schwab, Xi Jinping & Yuval Noah Harari Agree On Universal Basic Income, mRNA Under the Skin, Carbon Footprint Tracking & Connecting Brains to the Internet?
Elon Musk & Klaus Schwab | Why Do Elon Musk, Klaus Schwab, Xi Jinping & Yuval Noah Harari Agree On the Following? Universal Basic Income, mRNA Under the Skin, Carbon Footprint Tracking & Connecting Brains to the Internet