If You’re Looking for a Fortune Teller—That’s unFortunate. No Matter How Good They Are They Cannot be Tested for You [in Your Place]. A Lesson Not Learned is to Repeat the Lesson, Thus There is No “Best Paths” without Having Earned it!
ARIES ♈️ April 2023 — Earning & Learning YOUR POWER, But do Stay Humble and Avoid Self-Sabotage.. + MASSIVE Healing Coming, on Multiple Dimensions! (Rather Convoluted “Saga” and Somewhat Challenging Reading for Me to do)
LEO ♌️ February 2023 — A SHOCKING PROPOSAL! BUT PREPARE TO BE TESTED (SOMETHING TO DO WITH SELF-DECEIT/TRUTH TO SELF). –333– I Struggled Through Some of the Energies of This Reading.
GEMINI ♊️ March 2023 | #ToughLoveWarning: Guides comin’ in rough! I dunno what to tell ya.. except healed people (or people in process of healing) generally attracted healed/healing people, because these people.. simply reflect each other.
Just as the 13 Colonies Did Through Revolutionary Safety Committees—You Amongst Your New Earth Builder Tribes (Even You Don’t All Think Nearly 100% Same, Hence “Tribes”) are Working Together Successfully, Whether Physically Near or Far!