Old German NAZI party wanting to cancel elections and rounding people up for free speech, The world saw this in 1940 and witnessing it happen again in 2025. WATCH: Germany Begins Gestapo-Style Raids On Citizens Posting "Offensive" MEMES
Devil State of Arizona Updates - Tyrannical Mari-Corruption County Board Of Supervisors Is Breaking The Law, Lying & Attacking The Grassroots...AGAIN! | RAY MICHAELS & BRIAN FERENCE
Arizona Grassroots Call For The Military Of The United States To Do Their Job & Protect Us From Enemies...Of Course The Politicians & Candidates...Have Done NOTHING! | DANIEL WOOD
The Arizona Grassroots & REAL LD3 Win In Court But The AZGOP & Fake America 1st Demons Spread Their Ministry Of Truth - If This Hasn't Happened In Your County Yet, Oh, It's Coming...It's The RNC Playbook! | GOMEZ, KUCHTA, MICHAELS
The Arizona Grassroots & REAL LD3 Win In Court But The AZGOP & Fake America 1st Demons Spread Their Ministry Of Truth - If This Hasn't Happened In Your County Yet, Oh, It's Coming...It's The RNC Playbook! | BOB GOMEZ, KJ KUCHTA, RAY