4 months agoThe Evil Warmongering Zionist Won - No Not That One, The Other OneProgressiveTruthSeekers
5 months agoLone Gunmen and Tell Tale Signs of an MK Ultra AssassinForbidden Content & Banned Information
5 months agoLone Gunmen and Tell Tale Signs of an MK Ultra Assassin"Now it is High Time to Awake out of Sleep" Roman's 13:11
1 month agoYou have lived under cascading military_grade psychological warfare campaigns your entire life.Groovekomitee
2 months agoSick Burn: Donald Trump Posts EPIC Troll Of Obama With Inauguration Day Coming SoonNewsVids
5 months agoLittle Known Fact: Deep State Threatened President Trump with Long Jail Time if He Blocked CV19 Vaccine Rollout. Well, He blocked Vaccine Mandate and they Removed Him from The White House.teddolbi