4 months agoPt 8 Tucker Carlson at a Enormous Trump Rally. Elon Musk is one of the biggest federal contractorsPoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 6 Congressman Timmons talks about inflation and how its hurting most Americans from Biden HarrisPoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 34 Donald Trump addresses the Alfred E Smith Memorial Foundation. Trump talks about his chartPoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 17 Donald Trump on Joe Rogan podcast. Trump explains he didn't know anyone in WashingtonPoliticalspin
3 months agoPt 20 Donald Trump on Joe Rogan podcast. Trump explains he didn't know who to trust his first termPoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 2 Congressman Timmons claims Democrats cant be trusted to run the country for another 4 yearsPoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 5 Congressman Fallon the Biden Harris Admin have had over 200k illegal border crossing per monthPoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 4 Congressman Fallon breaks down the numbers and facts on the border crisis under Biden HarrisPoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 5 Tucker Carlson at a Enormous Trump Rally. Trump has been slighted since the day he came downPoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 6 Donald Trump on Joe Rogan podcast. Joe points out that the media blob and democrat mediaPoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 7 Tucker Carlson at a Enormous Trump Rally. Trump supporters have been called everything #newsPoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 9 Donald Trump on Joe Rogan podcast. Trump talks about how beautiful the inside of the WhitehousePoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 5 Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene asks why Starlink wasn't used ,it was cheaper & easierPoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 8 Donald Trump on Joe Rogan podcast. Joe asks Trump what is day 1 like when you became PresidentPoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 6 Congressman Fallon the open border and failed border policies of the Biden Harris AdminPoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 6 Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is told DEI & the Climate Change Agenda where their focusPoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 4 Congressman Timmons goes over the failures of the Biden Harris Administration #news #viralPoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 3 Donald Trump on Joe Rogan podcast. Joe ask's Trump about Oprah and how she encouraged TrumpPoliticalspin
4 months agoPt 5 Congressman Timmons asks witness Dr Mobbs can the country stand another 4 years of the samePoliticalspin