The Great Reset | "We Do Know That Global Energy Systems, Food Systems and Supply Chains Will Be Deeply Affected." - Klaus Schwab | "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Changes You If You Take the Genetic-Editing." - Klaus Schwab
CRISPR | How Does CRISPR Work? How Does CRISPR Work? CRISPR 101 featuring: Elon Musk, Jennifer Doudna, Bill Gates, Dr Robert Malone and Dr Peter McCullough
COVID Vaccines | "Ideally Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates, Stanford, Harvard, MIT, TEDTalks, New York Times, WEF, etc.)
The Truth About mRNA Vaccines | Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes the Truth About mRNA Shots, CRISPR, Self-Replicating Xenobots and Embryogenesis Featuring Footage from Elon Musk, Dr. Malone, the CEO of Pfizer, Google’s Ray Kurzweil, etc.
Great Reset | Has Biden Team Found a Way to Give WHO Authority Over US Vaccine Mandates, Lockdowns and Surveillance While Avoiding Senate Approval? "Nobody Will Be Safe If Not Everybody Is Vaccinated." - Klaus Schwab
The Great Reset | The Great Reset Agenda Explained In 7 Minutes and 8 Seconds: Connecting the Dots Between the mRNA Modifying Nano-Technology Shots, 5G, CBDCs, MIT, Quantum Dots, Gates, Epstein, Schwab, Musk, CERN, and the Mark of the Beast
God's Reset Versus Klaus Schwab's Great Reset | Are We On the Verge of a Jesus Revolution? Is Biden Admin Giving WHO Authority Over U.S. Pandemic Policies Including Lockdowns, Forced Vaccinations & Mass Surveillance?
CBDC | "We Could Imagine We Will Implant Them In Our Brains Or In Our Skin. There Will Be a Direct Communication Between Our Brain And the Digital World." - Klaus Schwab | "Ideally COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval N
COVID Shots | "The Internet of Things Is Moving Inside the Human Body" + "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Changes You If You Take Genetic Editing." - Klaus Schwab + "People Will Literally Be Part of a Network." Yuval Harari
The Great Reset Agenda Explained | "When the UN, Bill Gates, & Klaus Schwab Tell You That You Won't Be Traveling, You Won't Have a Private Car, You Won't Won Anything & You'll Be Happy, You Won't Live In Your Own Hous
Israel Protests | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari, the Man Praised By Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Klaus Schwab & the World Economic Forum Leading the Largest Protests In The History of Israel? Harari Appears On CBS July 16th 2023
Yuval Noah Harari | "This Is the End of Human History. Not the End of History, The End of Human Dominated History. History Will Continue With Somebody Else In Control." - (Klaus Schwab Lead Advisor Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg & Gates)
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Is the Hebrew-Speaking Man Celebrated By Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates, Klaus Schwab Advocating for An AI-Written Bible & Saying to Israeli PM Netanyahu? "Stop the Coup or We Will Stop the Country." (Revelation 16:11-12)
COVID Vaccines | "A Body Melded Generation" + "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Changes You If You Take Genetic Editing." - Klaus Schwab + "This Was the Moment When Surveillance Started Going Under the Skin." - Yuval Harari
Eric Trump | "Truly Amazing How Badly We Need Him Back!" - Eric Trump (Despite Being Within Slapping Distance President Trump Showed Remarkable Restraint and Stood Up to Klaus Schwab Without Slapping Him)
Great Reset | "Artificial Intelligence Particularly If It's Self-Replicating? Synethic Biology? Who Masters Those Technologies Will Be the Master of the World. " - Klaus Schwab
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Probably One of the Last Generations of Homo Sapiens." - Yuval Noah Harari (A Lead Advisor to Klaus Schwab Who Is Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg and Gates)