Generational Curses, Fairly Easy Problem to Solve: Pray, Confess Sins (Personally and/or Generationally) and Ask to be Cleansed + Baphomet Hand Sign, As Above So Below
Vril Society, Nazis, Operation Paperclip, Advanced Technology, Hidden Underground by Luciferian Brotherhood + What is the Cost of the Information They Receive?
Biblical, Reveal Report Event in Louisiana, Anointing Tour + The Worst of the Worst Have Been Saved in the Past, It Can Happen Again + Websites, Prayer
When Will the Lawless Ones Appear? + 3x3-Year Periods, The Book of Revelation + Project Looking Glass, Nothing Was Seen Beyond the Year 2024, At Least Nothing on Earth + 1,000 Years of Peace
Jesus Breaks People's Chains + John Ramirez Challenged Marilyn Manson, Delivered Manson's Girlfriend and Her Demon-Possessed Little Boy and Led Them Both To Christ
Kanye West Ritual, Marilyn Manson, Three People; The Trinity is Significant, Immolation, Long-Planned Ritual, The Dark Side of the System Has Fallen + The Light Side is to Bring in the Anti-Christ
Occultists in Different Areas of Society, Well Known People + Frank Lloyd Wright Houses, Similar to the Underground Railroad When Slaves Were Given Signs with Meaning about a Place i.e. What Help is Available There
Different Levels of Magick, Chaos Magick and Sigils + The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, (Quantum) Entanglement i.e. Knowledge with an Experiential Component, Sex Magick