2 years ago188: What is a disability hearing trigger phrase, and how can I use it to give better testimony?DisabilityResolutionLawFirm
1 year ago#9 credibility killer when giving testimony at your ALJ disability benefits hearing. SSI SSDIDisabilityResolutionLawFirm
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2 years ago123: What is the number one #1 thing to do when a witness gives disability hearing testimony.DisabilityResolutionLawFirm
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2 years agoCOVID vaccine is not a vaccine but it is a registered American military biochemical weaponChristianRapture
2 years ago52: Testimony Prep: What repetitive tasks at your prior work did you have difficulty with?DisabilityResolutionLawFirm
2 years ago50: Testimony Prep: Were there particularly difficult tasks that you hated about your prior job?DisabilityResolutionLawFirm