1 year agoAFTER TALK: Katherine Watt-Government Tyranny, US Govt Takeover, Psyops & Vaccine Adverse Effects 04-07-23Dr. Jane Ruby
1 year agoSabotaging Healthcare to Introduce AI & Noncompliance to Reveal the Enemy: Katherine WattDr. Jane Ruby
1 year agoAnnual Flu Vaccines, Mass Vaccination, RSV & Universal Vaccines, mRNA Diabetes TreatmentDr. Jane Ruby
1 year agoOperation Warp Speed a Military Action Against the People says Dr. Paul AlexanderDr. Jane Ruby
1 year agoPeter Hotez/Joe Rogan Debate Offer, Vaccine Hesitancy Demonized, SKYCovion Regulatory ApprovalDr. Jane Ruby
1 year agoVaccine Contaminants & Antibiotic Resistance, Vaccine Cancers & Crimes Against HumanityDr. Jane Ruby
1 year agoMalaria & Covid Treatments, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Hydroxychloroquine, Medical PreparednessDr. Jane Ruby
1 year agoVaccine Mandates Again, mRNA Is Everywhere & United Noncompliance Can Save Your LifeDr. Jane Ruby