Depopulation | "The Planet Can Support Something Like A Billion People, Maybe Two Billion, You Can Even Have 8-9 Billion If We Have A Very Strong Dictatorship That Is Very Smart. We Are Now At 7 Billion So We Have to Get Back Down." - Dennis Mea
Eating Bugs | "Climate Researchers Say Bugs Could Be a Game-Changer In the Fight to Save the Planet." - CBS (The Network With the All-Seeing Eye As Their Logo) + "Plant-Based COVID Vaccine. A Virus Like Particle." - ABC
Depopulation | WEF Agenda Contributor Jane Goodall "If I Just Had This Magic Power, I Would Like to Without Causing Any Pain or Suffering Reduce the Number of People On the Planet." + Bill Gates Discusses "Death Panels" + Fauci Is Back
CBDCs | "If You Have Gold Everybody Is Going to Take Gold No Matter Where You Are On the Planet, Those Who Have No Gold Will Be Told What to Do." - Clive Thompson (Former Director for Union Bancaire Privée in Switzerland)
Fake Science | Leonard Nimoy "The Threat of An Ice Age Is Not As Remote As They Once Thought. During the Lifetime of Our Grandchildren, Arctic Cold And Perpetual Snow Could Turn Most of the Inhabitable Portions of Our Planet Into a Polar Desert."