#93 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Sound Of Freedom Movie Trailer - God's Children Are NO LONGER For Sale! 2 Million Children Are Sex Slave Trafficked Every Year | JIM CAVIEZEL - July 4th Premiere - BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY!
Child Sex Slave Trafficking's #1 Customer Is The U.S. - AARON SPRADLIN - Mission America Foundation - Rescuing GOD'S Children In America! Want To STOP Children Being RAPED? BAN THE VOTING MACHINES & Take Back Your Unconstitutional Elections!
Ascension Vs. Integration: Gods, ETs and the Omniverse — George Kavassilas on Michael Salla's "Exopolitcs Today" | WE in 5D: Pretty Much Completely Agree [97%]!!! (Kavassilas Over Salla)
FOC Show: What is God Saying to His People? With Julie Green; CBDC: The End of Freedom? The Mark of the Beast? | Economic Update; Hearing the Voice of God with Tammy Wagoner