13 days agoHIGHER GROUND - Flee from Sin as #Jesus intended, never a fair fight against #satanTheFourthWatch
9 days agoOthers - Jesus has overcome the World, even if they don't realize it yet #apocalypseTheFourthWatch
1 month agoPREPARE TO ENGAGE - EZER Women's Bible Study Psalm 18 #jesus #christianity #hope #authorityTheFourthWatch
4 months agoEphesian Armor part 2 - Satan, Anti-Christ and the Prince of the power of the air #jesusTheFourthWatch
2 months agoLike Father like son - Righteous Rebellion part 2, Terah, Abram, Nimrod and Noah #jesusTheFourthWatch
2 years agoSpiritual Warfare! #jesussaves #godforgives #salvation #endtimes #lastdays #bible #armorofgodBeautifulJoy
8 months agoBible Study - Corrupt Pastors & Priests - God's ways are not our ways, Malachi 2, Micah 7, Isaiah 55TheFourthWatch
4 months agoEndure - How to survive the Anti-Christ, the apocalypse and beyond #jesus #trendingTheFourthWatch
4 months agoWeak Christianity won't last long in Hell, even after Jesus gave us the keys #spiritualwarfareTheFourthWatch
1 year agoCommunists, LGBTQ Activists Target Christian Coffee Shop: "It's Spiritual Warfareshalondafielder89
1 year agoPrayer Against Satanic Ritual Abuse, Electronic Harassment, MKUltra, White Glove TreatmentEndure Until The End
26 days agoDo we still have Jesus? We use to - when hard times come, we'll need to stand on His truth #jesusTheFourthWatch
23 days agoEphesians 5 - Awake the sleeping and raise the dead and #Jesus Christ will give us lightTheFourthWatch
2 months agoIt's almost time - People are either blind, pretending to be asleep or already dead #jesusTheFourthWatch
2 months agoHomesick Christian's In Exile - you forgot why you're here, and many won't see home #jesusTheFourthWatch
1 month agoTheir truth, your truth or GOD'S TRUTH: choose your truth wisely and reach for #JesusTheFourthWatch
1 month agoIF you continue in faith: A closer look at Colossians and the war against religion #jesusTheFourthWatch