5 months agoDarkRed's Adventure - 18+ Fan-made Game, travel region, have battles with trainers, claim rewardsDucumon
8 months agoPokemon Kosmo - GBA ROM Hack with new region, new story, 150 fakemons and more by WesleyFGDucumon
13 days agoPokemon Perseida - Fan-made Game has over 100 new fakemons, new story, new region, manna modeDucumon
5 months agoPocket Campfire - 18+ Tamagotchi-style game, Pull out cooking apron, kitchenware & collect ‘MonsDucumon
8 months agoPokemon Soulstones 2 Time Wardens - Fan-made Game with over 800 Pokemon, Mega Evolution, 3 new typesDucumon
5 months agoMoemon Star Emerald - GBA ROM Hack over 800 Moemon with Mega Evolution, New Map, New rivalsDucumon
8 months agoPokemon Perla - Old GBA ROM Hack has new Hero and more - Pokemon Pearl GBA ROM HackDucumon
2 months agoPokemon All Things It Devours - GBA ROM Hack - Short Pokemon Horror Rom Hack with no jumpscaresDucumon
3 months agoPokemon Beta Emerald Down + Dirty - GBA ROM Hack you can catch all leaked Gen 3 beta PokemonDucumon
1 year agoPokemon Spades & Clubs Battle Demo - GBA ROM Hack has Nice Fakemon, Secret Lucario is comingDucumon
10 months agoPokemon Pure Heart & True Soul - NDS ROM Hack has 496 Pokemon, Expanded Eusine's Role in the StoryDucumon
4 months agoPokemon REGIUS - GBA ROM Hack, New Region Regius Archipelago with over 50 Fakemons, New Story, playaDucumon
1 year agoPokemon Lost Silver GBC - GBC ROM Hack, try to emulator the story of a Creepypasta storyDucumon
7 months agoPokemon Existence - Fan-made Game has fifth generation Pokémon graphics, with good gameplay, fakemonDucumon
10 hours agoPokemon Distortion - Fan-made Game with Darkrai human form, distortion Pokemon, a new storyDucumon
11 days agoPokemon Realities - Fan-made Game, 18 gym leaders, side quests, level caps, good graphicsDucumon
3 years agoPokemon Ecchi Version Royal Wewuz by princessyiris - SFW Fan-made Pokemon Game for Adult players!Ducumon
3 years agoPokemon Kanto Redux - New Nuzlocke NDS Hack ROM has new story and you start in Lavender Town!Ducumon
2 months agoDucumon Iku v1.1 - 3DS Hack ROM has 18+ Contents with Ash Greninja, Ducu CharizardDucumon
1 month agoDucumon Ashe Concept - I try to add Ash-Greninja, Mega Diancie, Ducu Mega Yveltal to... (in-battle)Ducumon
3 years agoPokemon Emerald Open - GBA Open World Game, you can play without a story, no forcing trainer battlesDucumon
3 years agoPokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Hell - New NDS has high mode dungeons, Pokemon up to Gen 8Ducumon
3 years agoPocket Monster NES - A bootleg NES Pokemon game and similar to Panda World! THUNDERBOLT!Ducumon