‘F✰ck Around and FIND OUT’. Correction, Luke Rudkowski, This was Stockton, CA—Not NY. BUT IT’S A GREAT VIDEO! | We’re Not Celebrating Physical Violence, BUT WE DON’T LET PEOPLE WALK ALL OVER US [PERIOD]—GLOBALISTS, YOU’RE NEXT!
People Use Ancient Texts to "Verify" and Justify the Bible. They Don't Want to Call it What it is — The Bible: Plagiarized [Composites (Not Even Complete)] Taken From Ancient Texts! | Billy Carson
Bizarre Events, Deja Vus, Massive Synchronicities—Becoming the Witness/Observer! + The Best Way to Help People is to Stop Helping… | Jean Nolan, “Inspired”.
The IMPORTANCE OF BORDERS + Naive Spiritual People Who are Prematurely "Acting 5D" w/out Right of Passage and Believe in No Borders, New Earth and the Day (a DIFFERENT Era) in Which We Don't Need Borders, and Today's Border PsyOp!
Once Again: WHY Are We Paying Taxes? Because We're a Bunch of Suckers is Why! — An IRS Official Says They Have No Problem Going After Small People, Destroying Lives, and Using Unconstitutional Methods Such as A.I. to Do it!
Unless for Research Purposes STOP fu"Q"ing with Your OWN Psyche; Never Mind the British People! This “Q” Mental Gymnastics is Not 5D Chess, But an Insult to Your Consciousness. Qtards, Unsub From This Channel.
BREAKING: "I SAT IN ON THE MEETINGS"—The Illuminati's Hope & Plan to Kill 7 Billion People! The Only Reason This Insider Left The Illuminati is Because He Realized The Illuminati Were as Bad as the 7 Billion They Want to Kill.
Election Whistleblower: "We Have the Proof" — The Roseanne Barr Podcast | WE in 5D: The Illuminati Rejected Your Proof. So Stop Telling People Someone Will Save Them, and Start Telling Them to Organize to TAKE THE FUTURE INTO THEIR OWN HANDS!
The "Jesus is King" Brigade, The Perverted Law of Attraction Brigade [Who Avoid Reality (if You Avoid it Then There's No Reality to Create WITH Nor FROM)], The Chosen People Brigade.. AND THE REST: When Your Belief System TRUMPS THE TRUTH!
Illuminati Throws P Diddy Under the Buss as Feds Raid His Homes. One Wonders What the Attempted Optic is. This is the 3D—Justice isn't Given for the Sake of it; it's Given to Hide Larger Injustices OR IT'S GIVEN BY THE PEOPLE (Rare).
Gen. Michael Flynn and Sacha Stone AGREE: Trump Was Tricked on the Vaccine! When Will He Ever Have an Open Conversation with The People About it?.. + Much More!
Alex Jones Admits He is a Zen Master, Your “CONTRAST”, One of Your Movers & Shakers Willing to Make You Uncomfortable—and He Doesn’t Have to be an Illuminati Ally, Nor a “Backfill People”. | Annoying Interview on Some Kiddie Show! #Shorts
Did Elon Musk Join David Icke and Alex Jones for a Debate? | WE in 5D: I'm No Musk Hater, I Admire Aspects of Him, and I Use Such People Until I Can’t. Everyone Should Do as THEY WANT w/out Forcing Others. What I Want?—I Wont Put ANY Tech in Me!
People Who Whine About the Illuminati, Their Symbols, and Hoarded Not-That-Good-Anyway Med Beds Forfeit the Ability to Do Things Like This! | RJ Spina Verifiably Transcends Permanent Paralysis (Supercharged Self-Healing Video).