1. Use it lose it, a clinically studied better option, food based not herbal solution, seed story, SHBG

    Use it lose it, a clinically studied better option, food based not herbal solution, seed story, SHBG

  2. Let's get real! CHEAP, or HARMFUL? Nutritional Formulas TRUTH

    Let's get real! CHEAP, or HARMFUL? Nutritional Formulas TRUTH

  3. From Adjustments to Investments: Building Wealth Through Real Estate feat. Dr. Kate Gress

    From Adjustments to Investments: Building Wealth Through Real Estate feat. Dr. Kate Gress

  4. Unlocking Potency: Harnessing the Power of Acupressure for Impotence Relief

    Unlocking Potency: Harnessing the Power of Acupressure for Impotence Relief

  5. Thriving Mentally in 2024: Underrated Strategies for Wellness with Dr. Bart Rademaker

    Thriving Mentally in 2024: Underrated Strategies for Wellness with Dr. Bart Rademaker

  6. Episode 165: Be BRAVE: Self-Censorship is the Real Censorship

    Episode 165: Be BRAVE: Self-Censorship is the Real Censorship

  7. Sleeping better, refreshed in the mornings, better energy, waking up less at night!

    Sleeping better, refreshed in the mornings, better energy, waking up less at night!

  8. Easily handling full time work and school at the same time, better sleep, better mental clarity!

    Easily handling full time work and school at the same time, better sleep, better mental clarity!

  9. Mental smoothness, adapting to stress better, less reactive with emotions!

    Mental smoothness, adapting to stress better, less reactive with emotions!

  10. Get moving! Take away the screens! No it's not easy, but it is necessary! Why kids need to EXERCISE

    Get moving! Take away the screens! No it's not easy, but it is necessary! Why kids need to EXERCISE

  11. Testimony: PAIN FREE and get to keep my gallbladder thanks to Dr. Tim Harrigan at Synergy Wellness!

    Testimony: PAIN FREE and get to keep my gallbladder thanks to Dr. Tim Harrigan at Synergy Wellness!

  12. Spinal Health isn’t Important, is it?!

    Spinal Health isn’t Important, is it?!

  13. What exactly is a “Primary” Healthcare Provider?

    What exactly is a “Primary” Healthcare Provider?

  14. Get the most out of every Adjustment. Adjustment Prep!

    Get the most out of every Adjustment. Adjustment Prep!

  15. Gary 1 Treatment Challenge with FX405! Painful finger after statins is feeling better!

    Gary 1 Treatment Challenge with FX405! Painful finger after statins is feeling better!

  16. Dr. Shaun feeling better after the FX405 in just 1 treatment! Crossfit injury

    Dr. Shaun feeling better after the FX405 in just 1 treatment! Crossfit injury

  17. Zoe Quadriceps muscle FEELING BETTER after the GVL Laser 1 treatment challenge!

    Zoe Quadriceps muscle FEELING BETTER after the GVL Laser 1 treatment challenge!
