1 year agothe Moon...This channel has the most unique and rare ufo sightings on the Internet.BruceSeesAll
1 year agoUfo Cover-Up Top Secret Uap sighting came to see me face to face the CandelabrumBruceSeesAll
1 year agoReal ufo Sightings presented to the Public in an Honest way not a pentagon way...BruceSeesAll
6 months agoI show the Cities Bridges and Smoke and Lights on the Moon Exposed right hereBruceSeesAll
9 months agoFast Ufo Changes directions in the Sky seen with Naked eye Rarest Ufo SightingsBruceSeesAll
10 months agoMy Research Exposes a Big Part of the Moon's Secret..It's Inhabited Proof is Here!BruceSeesAll
1 year agoUfo sightings and Meteor Skims Jupiter...MASSIVE Tic Tac shape enters our OrbitBruceSeesAll
1 year agoUfo sightings on the Moon this is RAW Research Showing it all and sharing it allBruceSeesAll
1 year agoDay & Night time Ufo sightings -Fireballs Plasma leaving the Sun GIANT Asteroid hitsBruceSeesAll
1 year agoRare Ufo Sightings & Live Interactions in the sky & Moon Anomalies that everyone wants to seeBruceSeesAll
6 months agoI AM Bruce Swartz a Ufologist & I study & Investigate Paranormal & Ufo phenomenaBruceSeesAll
7 months agoUnexplained UFO Sightings in Russia, Columbia & Chile Caught On Camera - Shocking Footage!SierraDelta
9 months agoRarest Ufo sightings on the Internet..Bruce Swartz Research in Ufology...LASTNIGHTBruceSeesAll
1 year agoUfo's lifting up by the Hundreds filmed on March 4th 2024 lifting from an Exact PointBruceSeesAll
1 year agoUfo's Mysterious Smoke trails on the Moon & Ufo's all Over the Moon in my ResearchBruceSeesAll
1 year agoRecent Ufo Activity Documenting Ufo Heat Signatures -Traits -Speeds -Height -SizeBruceSeesAll
1 year agoUfo Sightings NOT seen with Naked Eye in Infrared...I filmed up's sifting off of the groundBruceSeesAll