5 months agoChapter 1 - Why Not Full-Preterism?: A Partial-Preterist Response by Steve Gregg AUDIO BOOKThe Narrow Path
5 months agoChapter 4 - Those All-Important Time-Texts | Why Not Full-Preterism? A Partial-Preterist ResponseThe Narrow Path
5 months agoCh. 3 - The Parousia of Christ [2nd Coming] | Why Not Full-Preterism? A Partial-Preterist ResponseThe Narrow Path
2 months agoAre the California Fires God's Judgment or Caused by the Devil? - Steve Gregg on The Narrow PathThe Narrow Path
2 months agoGalatians 3:19-4:7- The Law Was Only Until Jesus. We Are Not Under The Law - Steve GreggThe Narrow Path
2 months agoGalatians 3:1-18 - If You Put Yourself Under the Law, You Are Under a Curse - Steve GreggThe Narrow Path