1. Rock Faith ~ O Worship the King { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 [ Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

    Rock Faith ~ O Worship the King { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 [ Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

  2. Rock Faith ~ Nearer, My God, to Thee { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 3 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

    Rock Faith ~ Nearer, My God, to Thee { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 3 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

  3. From the plane in the sky of Egypt

    From the plane in the sky of Egypt

  4. Rock Faith ~ The Old Rugged Cross { Lyrics } { Ai } { Dance Ver. } Remix 1 Christcore Slowed

    Rock Faith ~ The Old Rugged Cross { Lyrics } { Ai } { Dance Ver. } Remix 1 Christcore Slowed

  5. The Sowers ~ Amazing Grace { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

    The Sowers ~ Amazing Grace { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

  6. Rock Faith ~ Amazing Grace { Lyrics } { Ai } { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

    Rock Faith ~ Amazing Grace { Lyrics } { Ai } { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

  7. The Sowers ~ As for Me and My House { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

    The Sowers ~ As for Me and My House { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

  8. The Sowers ~ Armor of God { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

    The Sowers ~ Armor of God { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

  9. Faith Fuze ~ With Every Breath { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

    Faith Fuze ~ With Every Breath { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

  10. Rock Faith ~ Nothing but the Blood { Lyrics } { Ai } { Dance Ver. } Remix 1 Christcore Slowed

    Rock Faith ~ Nothing but the Blood { Lyrics } { Ai } { Dance Ver. } Remix 1 Christcore Slowed

  11. Rock Faith ~ Abide With Me { Lyrics } { Ai. } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

    Rock Faith ~ Abide With Me { Lyrics } { Ai. } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

  12. Rock Faith ~ Great Is Thy Faithfulness { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

    Rock Faith ~ Great Is Thy Faithfulness { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

  13. Rock Faith ~ For all The Saints { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

    Rock Faith ~ For all The Saints { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

  14. Rock Faith ~ Breathe on Me, Breath of God { Lyrics } { Ai } { Dance Ver. } Remix 1 Christcore Slowed

    Rock Faith ~ Breathe on Me, Breath of God { Lyrics } { Ai } { Dance Ver. } Remix 1 Christcore Slowed

  15. Rock Faith ~ Be Thou My Vision { Lyrics } { Ai } { Dance Ver. } Remix 1 Christcore Slowed

    Rock Faith ~ Be Thou My Vision { Lyrics } { Ai } { Dance Ver. } Remix 1 Christcore Slowed

  16. Rock Faith ~ Be Still My Soul { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

    Rock Faith ~ Be Still My Soul { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

  17. Rock Faith ~ Just As I Am { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

    Rock Faith ~ Just As I Am { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

  18. Rock Faith ~ It is well with my soul { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

    Rock Faith ~ It is well with my soul { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

  19. Rock Faith ~ Take My Life And Let It Be { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

    Rock Faith ~ Take My Life And Let It Be { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

  20. Rock Faith ~ Jesus Loves Me { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

    Rock Faith ~ Jesus Loves Me { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

  21. Rock Faith ~ The Church's One Foundation { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

    Rock Faith ~ The Church's One Foundation { Lyrics } { Ai } Remix 1 { Dance Ver. } Christcore Slowed

  22. LIVE: Gustavo Goulart performing 112 Famous Songs

    LIVE: Gustavo Goulart performing 112 Famous Songs
