Washington State University: Another Rainy Day, Muslims Almost Assault Me, Sinner Spits on My Banner, Several Fruitful One-on-One Conversations, One Humble Christian Student Prays For Me
Sam Houston State Univ: Heckler Decked In Rainbow Waiting For Me, Lesbians Oppose Me, Large Crowd Forms, One Sinner Calls The Police On Me, Another Rowdy Day As I Exalt Jesus Christ
Rutgers Newark: Sinner Suggests All Roads Lead To Heaven, Christian Woman Asks About My Testimony & Methods, Final Day Of Preaching in New Jersey, Headed For New York Next Week!
University of Tennessee at Knoxville: Several Great Conversations w/ Atheists, Skeptics & Christians, One Sinner Dumps Ranch Dressing All Over Me, A Muslim Threatens to Murder Me, The Gospel of Jesus Christ Goes Forth!
UC San Diego: Spectacular Conversations w/ Muslims, w/ a Muslim Turned Atheist, w/ A Convicted Sinner, & w/ A Genuine Christian, One Student Gives Me Water, Another Student Gives Me A Snow Cone, & Another Student Buys Me Lunch!
Univ of Nevada, Reno: Massive Crowd, Jesus is Exalted, Sinner Throws Sandwich At Me, Homosexuals, Atheists, Muslims & Hypocrites Confronted with the Gospel