1. BREAKING EXCLUSIVE- Pelosi Pulled Authority Away from Full House For Impeachment!

    BREAKING EXCLUSIVE- Pelosi Pulled Authority Away from Full House For Impeachment!

  2. TULSI GABBARD Considers Boycotting Democrat Debate to Protest DNC’s Attempt to Rig the Primary

    TULSI GABBARD Considers Boycotting Democrat Debate to Protest DNC’s Attempt to Rig the Primary

  3. RUDY DROPS ANOTHER BOMB: Burisma Holdings Paid Joe Biden $900,000 For Lobbying Activities

    RUDY DROPS ANOTHER BOMB: Burisma Holdings Paid Joe Biden $900,000 For Lobbying Activities

  4. 🔴👀🔴 Trump Slams Schiff Could be indicted for Fraud and Treason

    🔴👀🔴 Trump Slams Schiff Could be indicted for Fraud and Treason

  5. RUDY DROPS A BOMB! Giuliani Reveals Trump Admin, Including Himself and Others, MAY SUE CONGRESSIONAL

    RUDY DROPS A BOMB! Giuliani Reveals Trump Admin, Including Himself and Others, MAY SUE CONGRESSIONAL

  6. 🔴👀🔴 Schiff's our Man! Head of the Coup D'état

    🔴👀🔴 Schiff's our Man! Head of the Coup D'état

  7. 👀 Trump Releases New Hard Hitting Campaign Ad Accusing Dems of a Coup

    👀 Trump Releases New Hard Hitting Campaign Ad Accusing Dems of a Coup

  8. TWO TIERED JUSTICE In 2016 a Whistleblower Brought Info on Crimes Involving Clinton Foundation

    TWO TIERED JUSTICE In 2016 a Whistleblower Brought Info on Crimes Involving Clinton Foundation

  9. Dirty Adam Schiff BROKE HOUSE RULES by Withholding Information on Partisan CIA ‘Whistleblower

    Dirty Adam Schiff BROKE HOUSE RULES by Withholding Information on Partisan CIA ‘Whistleblower

  10. TRUMP DEFIES MOB Tells Reporters Ukraine AND China Should Investigate Biden and Son

    TRUMP DEFIES MOB Tells Reporters Ukraine AND China Should Investigate Biden and Son

  11. President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment

    President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment

  12. 👀 Appropiations Committee Approves 5 Billion for Trumps Border Wall

    👀 Appropiations Committee Approves 5 Billion for Trumps Border Wall

  13. 👀 EXPLOSIVE REPORT Rep Adam Schiff Linked to Prominent Ukrainian Arms Dealer!

    👀 EXPLOSIVE REPORT Rep Adam Schiff Linked to Prominent Ukrainian Arms Dealer!

  14. Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Speaks Out – Says Biden’s Son Hunter Biden Should Be Investigated

    Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Speaks Out – Says Biden’s Son Hunter Biden Should Be Investigated

  15. 👀 18.1 Billion for Border Wall and Customs!

    👀 18.1 Billion for Border Wall and Customs!

  16. Trump Says He Wants Rep Adam Schiff ‘Questioned at the Highest Level for Fraud and Treason

    Trump Says He Wants Rep Adam Schiff ‘Questioned at the Highest Level for Fraud and Treason

  17. Democrat Lawmaker Defends Obama Admin’s Spying on Trump Campaign during Committee Hearing

    Democrat Lawmaker Defends Obama Admin’s Spying on Trump Campaign during Committee Hearing

  18. Democrat and Hillary Friend and Donor Ed Buck LOOKS FREAKED OUT As Judge Sets His Bail at $4 Million

    Democrat and Hillary Friend and Donor Ed Buck LOOKS FREAKED OUT As Judge Sets His Bail at $4 Million



  20. 🔴👀🔴 Senate Dems Panic – Demand Pompeo Recuse Himself From Ukraine Matters

    🔴👀🔴 Senate Dems Panic – Demand Pompeo Recuse Himself From Ukraine Matters

  21. BREAKING BIG John Durham Is Investigating Former CIA Director John Brennan

    BREAKING BIG John Durham Is Investigating Former CIA Director John Brennan

  22. 🔴👀🔴 Did IG Horowitz Perjure himself Already?

    🔴👀🔴 Did IG Horowitz Perjure himself Already?

  23. Supreme Court Cripples Second House Impeachment Charge Against President Trump!

    Supreme Court Cripples Second House Impeachment Charge Against President Trump!

  24. 🔴👀🔴 Public School Breaks the Law Rejects Christian Club

    🔴👀🔴 Public School Breaks the Law Rejects Christian Club
