Friday Night Shabbat: Reflection On This Past Week, Christian Post Article on Thousands of Students at Ohio State Surrendering to Jesus -- Please Pray For These Students
24-7 de population news -your next-1 way-out-Jesus-read all about it ! In A bible or the Quran-they are the same they pray to the same God we do! Read them !..
Kamala Harris who told pro-life students praising Jesus "You're at the wrong rally" has the nerve to lie that she's very much religious: "I do pray every day, sometimes twice a day! I was raised to believe in a loving God."
Prophecies | TAKE AUTHORITY IN JESUS - The Prophetic Report with Stacy Whited - Julie Green, Veronika West, Hank Kunneman, Diana Larkin, Robin Bullock, Gene Bailey, Tim Sheets, Dutch Sheets
#221 The Worldwide Demonic Movement To Sacrifice Our Children - The Disney Movie Monsters Inc Is About ADRENOCHROME, Mothers Of Darkness Castle's Satanic Rituals, Pineal Gland | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA
#299 FEAR ONLY GOD - Politicians Are Liars, Government Is Tyrannical & They Work For US! It's Time To Take Back America & OUR Freedoms + STOP GIVING ALL CANDIDATES YOUR MONEY! | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA