Grammys | Why Did the 2023 Grammys Have a Satan Theme? Why Were the 2023 Satanic-Themed Grammys Sponsored By Pfizer? Did the 2023 Grammys Feature Satanic Rituals? Why Did the Satanic Temple Open An Abortion Clinic to Offer Free Ritual Abortions?
General Flynn | Why Is Madonna Pushing the Satanic Agenda with Sam Smith At the Grammys? | Why Is the Satanic Temple Opening Up Religious Abortion Centers? Why Are Chinese Spy Balloons Flying Over America?
Jonathan Cahn | Was Jesus Born On December 25th? What Is the Abortion Capital of America? Are Plagues Headed for New York? Has God Raised Up President Trump? The Trump Prophecies? How Does Jehu Relate to Trump?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | "I Wouldn't Leave It Up to the States. I Believe That We Should Leave (Abortion) It Up to the Woman Even If Its Full Term." - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Kanye 'Ye' West | "The Most Dangerous Place for a Black Person In America Is In Their Mother's Stomach. The Abortion Clinics Were Created by Eugenicists for Population Control and It's Controlling the Population."
Mayor Rudy Giuliani | First Man to Expose the Biden Corruption (Giuliani) + “These Are Trials You Would Have During Hitler’s Era.” - Giuliani + Yuval Noah Harari + "They Think It (Abortion) Is Murder, I'm Just OK With That." - Maher