1. Philosophy Night: Evidences on The Resurrection of Jesus Christ and Does it validate The Bible

    Philosophy Night: Evidences on The Resurrection of Jesus Christ and Does it validate The Bible

  2. TNT 8 Part 1 Saturate OC, Spirit of Revival, Righteous Rebellion Jesus People Movement 20200728

    TNT 8 Part 1 Saturate OC, Spirit of Revival, Righteous Rebellion Jesus People Movement 20200728

  3. Mighty Demonstration of God’s Power in Deliverance in Jesus name #valwolff #deliveranceministry

    Mighty Demonstration of God’s Power in Deliverance in Jesus name #valwolff #deliveranceministry

  4. Man Paid to do Nothing, Play as Jesus, Message in a Bottle and More! - TOCNS

    Man Paid to do Nothing, Play as Jesus, Message in a Bottle and More! - TOCNS

  5. Invader Rape Crisis Centre Policy Manager Drops During Live Broadcast!

    Invader Rape Crisis Centre Policy Manager Drops During Live Broadcast!

  6. Thursday Night Prayer Exposing The Darkness with the Light of His Glory Shine Jesus Shine New Song

    Thursday Night Prayer Exposing The Darkness with the Light of His Glory Shine Jesus Shine New Song

  7. Protests and prayers for James Coates, the Christian pastor held in max security centre in Edmonton

    Protests and prayers for James Coates, the Christian pastor held in max security centre in Edmonton

  8. Christmas Edition Modern Advent of Jesus Christ Candlelight Sunday Morning Service 20201220

    Christmas Edition Modern Advent of Jesus Christ Candlelight Sunday Morning Service 20201220

  9. The Blood of Jesus Plead Apply Put There Is Power In The Blood Sunday Morning Late Service 20200802

    The Blood of Jesus Plead Apply Put There Is Power In The Blood Sunday Morning Late Service 20200802

  10. CLMI Gospel sing & dance time to Jesus our Lord

    CLMI Gospel sing & dance time to Jesus our Lord

  11. CLMI Sing & Dance to Jesus time. Gareth Dodgson recording

    CLMI Sing & Dance to Jesus time. Gareth Dodgson recording

  12. Revival and Awakening the Jesus People Movement History 1970s Sunday Morning Service 20201213

    Revival and Awakening the Jesus People Movement History 1970s Sunday Morning Service 20201213

  13. The Authority Of The Believer Isn't Based On You but on Jesus Sunday Morning Early Service 20200726

    The Authority Of The Believer Isn't Based On You but on Jesus Sunday Morning Early Service 20200726

  14. The Blood of Jesus Plead Apply Put There Is Power In The Blood Sunday Morning Late Service 20200802

    The Blood of Jesus Plead Apply Put There Is Power In The Blood Sunday Morning Late Service 20200802

  15. Support for Idrissa Gueye, their Senegal team-mate who is at the centre of a row over claims that he

    Support for Idrissa Gueye, their Senegal team-mate who is at the centre of a row over claims that he
