Ephrata Cloister: Prophetic Holy Spirit Revelations and Warnings: If You Obey The Truth You Also Must Be Drenched In The Holy Spirit Or It Will Lead To Disaster -- The Sabbath Keeping Colony In 1700's Pennsylvania
Florida State University: Preaching To The Masses And Eventually A Small Crowd Gathers As I Deal With A Gnostic Heckler -- At First The Crowd Is Generally Mocking And Then Sobers As The Holy Spirit Works
Strasburg Railroad: I Ride A Restored Steam Locomotive For 3rd Day of Sukkot, Holy Spirit Has Me Give A Teaching While Enjoying the Train, Divine Appointments, The Golden Age of Steam Locomotives In A Bygone Era
Eastern Kentucky Univ: 2 Lesbians & Bisexual Come Under Serious Conviction from the Holy Spirit, One Sophomore Student Declares He Desires To Start Preaching The Gospel In The Open Air On Campus and I Pray for Him -- HUGE VICTORY!!!
Artificial Intelligence | "A.I. Can Create New Ideas And Even Write a New Bible. Think About a Religion Whose Holy Book Was Written By An A.I." - Yuval Noah Harari
Day 4 Sukkot: Cornwall Iron Furnace: Holy Spirit Reveals Revelations About the 5 Wise Virgins and 5 Foolish Virgins, About Donald Trump Being An Absolute Devil, The Water Wheel, The Fly Wheel, The Slag, The Crucible of the Fiery Furnace, Purification