6 months agoMarc Lamont Hill & Sut Jhally on How Israel and the US Dupes Their Citizens to Get What They WantCreeperstatus2
8 months agoPAGE CHRONICLES | L.S.N.T. (LEARN SOMETHING NEW TODAY) | LOG: 29 APRIL 2024Page Chronicles
3 months agoPalestinian Nerdeen Kiswani at the rally: "FLOOD New York City FOR GAZA." 1of2JavierSoriano
3 months agoPalestinian Nerdeen Kiswani at the rally: "FLOOD New York City FOR GAZA." 2of2JavierSoriano
3 months agoWednesday, September 11, 2024: 341 DAYS of the USA-Israel GENOCIDE in Gaza, Palestine.JavierSoriano
2 months agoWATCH: New Film 'Atrocity Inc' Exposes How Israel Lied About October 7th to Justify Genocide | The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal on Monday released a new documentary film titled "Atrocity Inc"RAVries
3 months agoRabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta at the march "FLOOD New York City FOR GAZA."JavierSoriano
3 months agoRabbi Dovid Feldman and other Jews of Neturei Karta at the march "FLOOD New York City FOR GAZA."JavierSoriano
3 months agoBOMBSHELL: Leaked footage - IDF took out own citizens with Apache Helicopters on October 7TalkToTheBody