This Video was Uploaded as: “Telegram (Pavel Durov) attacked by Rothschild (a Rense video).” But YOU listen to it, and YOU tell me that this is not another globalist False Flag/PsyOp/Propaganda Stunt!! | Additional Links in Description BELOW
ARTICLE ONLY BELOW - Trump Will Impose 25% Tariffs on Day One On Mexico, China, Canada Until They Stop Flow of Illegal and Fentanyl into the U.S. - 3 mins. VIDEO TIME TO READ.
Arizona, Georgia, California. Pennsylvania. North Carolina Are STILL COUNTING VOTES - TRUMP>ANYONE WHO CHEATS GO TO JAIL - 5 mins. TO READ ARTICLE BELOW.
[With Subtitles] THE NET ZERO EFFECT OF GRAZING CATTLE IS NEGATIVE: Grazing and Photosynthesis - Understanding the Carbon Cycle on a Cattle Ranch -- Find Many Links to Climate Documentaries Below This Video in the Description Section