8 months agoBecoming Your Own Legal Representative with Brandon Joe WilliamsAndrew Kaufman, M.D.Verified
3 years agoTerrain The Film by Marcelina Cravat and Andrew Kaufman, M.D. Official TeaserDrAndrewKaufmanVerified
2 years ago#3 Love Your Liver by Andrew Kaufman, M.D. | TERRAIN: The WorkshopsAndrew Kaufman, M.D.Verified
2 months agoOGA #2: Revealing the Terrain of Geoengineering, with Benjamin Hardy and Michael MerendaOURGEOENGINEERINGAGE
8 months agoEpisode 127: Justin Leslie on whistle blowing, doing no harm, and waking up to No VirusTerrainTheoryPodcast
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8 months agoEp 125: Dr. Olle Johansson on EMFs, electrohypersensitivity, & the astronomical increase in exposureTerrainTheoryPodcast
3 years agoChoosing Science Over Fear with Laura-Lynn and Friends and Dr. Andrew KaufmanDrAndrewKaufmanVerified
2 years ago"Germs & Snake Venom Peptides" Dr. 'Andrew Kaufman' Dr. 'Bryan Ardis' Dr. 'Tom Cowan' Dr. 'Monzo'AndreCorbeil