1 year ago#Calvinist Morning Routine Reveals the Power of Prayer / @skyout5747 =a@PraiseIAmThatIAm DiscipleNEXUS
1 year ago@GrahameChristianGould @KevinThompson1611 @TheCynicogue '@vekl #Calvinism ☢️🤡#SynergismNEXUS
1 year ago@edwardpf123 on Trolls.:🧌🧌🧌🧌🧌@nothing72347 @FellowshipBibleChurchOrlando @GoodNewsGospel777NEXUS
2 years ago@The Pale Galilean @Jamie Russell-Christian Middle Earth #False_History from Nutty #Fro #Catholic🦇🦇🦇NEXUS
1 year ago@Leavethembehind7 @GrahameChristianGould @kevinsBiblicaldiscussions @INVISIBLEINVISIBLE #KJVNEXUS
1 year ago@GrahameChristianGould and @kevinsBiblicaldiscussions on #Lordship_Salvation / #KJV #Steel_Man😎NEXUS
1 year ago🎯🎯 @GrahameChristianGould @kevinsBiblicaldiscussions 🎯🎯 / #kjv / #Provisionism = #Easy_Target🎯🎯NEXUS
5 years agoاي بنت في المجتمع الشرقي 🙆وليها مواصفات لشريك حياتها🙎💏ركزوا يابنات في الراجل👦 الي هتتسندي عليهShaimaaSaberTV
2 years ago@DrKennyRhodes UNofficial @Praise I AM @Ancient Egypt and the Bible then @V Ξ K L 4 the rescue #KJVINTJ_INTP
2 years ago23 June 2022 @kevin's Biblical discussions & @Jamie Russell Giving each other a #Hand_Bagging 🤮🤮👜👜👜INTJ_INTP
1 year ago@vekl in @williamfreeman9995 channel/ #Coping_Room #Slagging_Off_Christians to #Atheists / #LMAONEXUS