2 years ago226 | 1o RALLY NAUTICO no 🇧🇷 e o Fim da 6a Temporada - Sailing Around the WorldSailing Around The World
1 year ago264 | Velejando de volta ao MEDITERRÂNEO - Sailing Around the WorldSailing Around The World
3 years ago218 | As Pulgas INVADIRAM nosso Veleiro ! SOCORRO !! - Sailing Around the WorldSailing Around The World
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3 years ago190 | 4 anos a Bordo - Era Isso que Estava FALTANDO ! - Sailing Around the WorldSailing Around The World
3 years ago180 | O Barato que sai CARO - Domenico caiu da ESCADA - Sailing Around the WorldSailing Around The World
3 years agoQuer fazer seu barco andar mais e gastar menos? - Sailing Around the WorldSailing Around The World
4 years ago03 | CATAMARÃ Fountaine Pajot 44 por dentro - Sailing Around the WorldSailing Around The World
2 years ago239 | Mudamos COMPLETAMENTE o RUMO da Temporada - Sailing Around the WorldSailing Around The World
2 years ago237 | Fritando e Arrumando, sem Bimini !! - Sailing Around the WorldSailing Around The World
2 years ago233 | O Perrengue do Banho Frio acabou! - Sailing Around the WorldSailing Around The World