Central Bank Digital Currencies | "The Rest of the World Is Actually Producing the Food, the Gold, The Machinery...The Rest of the World Is Saying Enough Of You Sending Us Your Toilet Paper." - Robert Kiyosaki (April 2023)
Mark of the Beast | "Paper Money Is Becoming Increasingly Worthless...They Are Bringing In These Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies. This Digital Money Is Programmable. In Other Words Its Not Money, It's Vouchers." - Maajid Nawaz
5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science Paper Reveals Cell Phone Signals Can Activate the Release of Biological PAYLOADS from Graphene Oxide Injected Into Body (9/14/23) - Mike Adams + Doctor Rashid Buttar, Karen Kingston & Todd Callender
Artificial Intelligence | "The Operating System of Every Human Culture In History Has Always Been Language. In the Beginning Was THE WORD. Human Rights Are Not a Biological Realty. Banknotes Are Just Worthless Pieces of Paper." - Yuval Harari
BRICS | "The U.S. Dollar Is Becoming An Unhinged Paper Currency." - Art Laffer (American economist & author who first gained prominence as a member of Reagan's Economic Policy Advisory Board.) + BRICS New Currency?
BRICS | "The U.S. Dollar Is Becoming An Unhinged Paper Currency." - Art Laffer (American economist & author who first gained prominence as a member of Reagan's Economic Policy Advisory Board.) + BRICS New Currency?