31 October 2023 - Joe Oltmann Live with Stefanie Lambert: Lies of the Radical Left - Cyber Ninjas, Doug Logan - Breaking Election Case - Influencers Offered Money to Support Israel
20 October 2023 - Joe Oltmann Live 12PM EST: 7 Felonies Dropped Against Sidney Powell - Jim Jordan Still Missing Votes - Elections, Elections, Elections
27 October 2023 12PM ET - Joe Oltmann and Apollo Live: Trump to Present Classified Information - Eviscerates Radical Left Judge - ActBlue Mole, FEC Money Laundering - War
6 October 2023 - 12PM EST - Joe Oltmann Live with Trent Loos: America First, Parents Standing For Children - Killary Says It's Time for 'Formal Deprogramming' of Trump Supporters - Presidential Immunity
24 October 2023 12PM ET - Joe Oltmann and David Clements Live with Karl Gessler: Stay Focused Patriots, God Has Us - Another Secret Speaker Ballot - Invasion, Chaos, War-Mongering, Action