1. Prayer Against All Forms of Satanic Bondage / Generational Curses / Sexual Sins & Unclean Spirits

    Prayer Against All Forms of Satanic Bondage / Generational Curses / Sexual Sins & Unclean Spirits

  2. Oil of Anointing, Prayer to Bless Anointing Oil/Anointing With Oil/Anointing People Places & Things

    Oil of Anointing, Prayer to Bless Anointing Oil/Anointing With Oil/Anointing People Places & Things

  3. Combat Prayers to Crush the Adversary / The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet

    Combat Prayers to Crush the Adversary / The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet

  4. Inviting Yahuah Into Our Situations, Removing the Poison of Legalism, Truth Guidance and Clarity

    Inviting Yahuah Into Our Situations, Removing the Poison of Legalism, Truth Guidance and Clarity

  5. Receiving The Spirit of Adoption, Orphan Spirit Deliverance Prayer, Revoking Curse Words

    Receiving The Spirit of Adoption, Orphan Spirit Deliverance Prayer, Revoking Curse Words

  6. Prayer against EMF harassment, Radiation, DEW, Electronic Harassment, Fallen Angel Technology, Etc.

    Prayer against EMF harassment, Radiation, DEW, Electronic Harassment, Fallen Angel Technology, Etc.

  7. Prayer Against Winter Solstice Rituals, SRA & DID Healing, Come Against Pagan/Occult/Satanic Rituals

    Prayer Against Winter Solstice Rituals, SRA & DID Healing, Come Against Pagan/Occult/Satanic Rituals

  8. Prayer of Protection against Retaliation, Backlash, Revenge, Cult Reaccessing/ Cloak of Invisibility

    Prayer of Protection against Retaliation, Backlash, Revenge, Cult Reaccessing/ Cloak of Invisibility

  9. Mastering OSINT: Obtain Top Intelligence from People & Companies

    Mastering OSINT: Obtain Top Intelligence from People & Companies

  10. Breaking Blackmail, Guilt, Fear & Shame Programming, Trauma Based Mind Control & Doublebinds + More

    Breaking Blackmail, Guilt, Fear & Shame Programming, Trauma Based Mind Control & Doublebinds + More

  11. Placental Witchcraft, Generational Curses, Retrieving Our Blessings & Destiny

    Placental Witchcraft, Generational Curses, Retrieving Our Blessings & Destiny

  12. Systematic Stalking and ‘The Programme’: the Effects of Ecclesiastical, Familial, and Governmental Betrayal | TI Joe (Mirror)

    Systematic Stalking and ‘The Programme’: the Effects of Ecclesiastical, Familial, and Governmental Betrayal | TI Joe (Mirror)

  13. Prayer for Miracles within Impossible Conundrums / Targeted Individuals Satanic Ritual Abuse

    Prayer for Miracles within Impossible Conundrums / Targeted Individuals Satanic Ritual Abuse

  14. prayer for surrender, prayer for patience and peace with Yahuah's timing

    prayer for surrender, prayer for patience and peace with Yahuah's timing

  15. Prayer for the Persecuted Saints of The Most High / Targeted Individuals

    Prayer for the Persecuted Saints of The Most High / Targeted Individuals

  16. Prayer for the Spirit of Victory & Prayer for the Lost to Find Repentance

    Prayer for the Spirit of Victory & Prayer for the Lost to Find Repentance

  17. prayer for truth, clarity, discernment, revelation - prayer to reveal intentions, ulterior motives

    prayer for truth, clarity, discernment, revelation - prayer to reveal intentions, ulterior motives

  18. Prayer to Destroy Demonic Altars & Nullify Dark Arts - Spiritual Warfare - Targeted Individuals

    Prayer to Destroy Demonic Altars & Nullify Dark Arts - Spiritual Warfare - Targeted Individuals

  19. Familiar Spirits, Dream Attacks, Demonic Altars - Destroying All Agreements & Covenants w/ Familiars

    Familiar Spirits, Dream Attacks, Demonic Altars - Destroying All Agreements & Covenants w/ Familiars

  20. Prayer to Release All Pain, Prayer for the Lost - Motivation, Perseverance & Dedication

    Prayer to Release All Pain, Prayer for the Lost - Motivation, Perseverance & Dedication

  21. prayer for healing mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual, neurological, afflictions&symptoms

    prayer for healing mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual, neurological, afflictions&symptoms

  22. Prayer Against Sabotage / Healing Self-Sabotaging Parts, Bypassing Spiritual Interferences

    Prayer Against Sabotage / Healing Self-Sabotaging Parts, Bypassing Spiritual Interferences
