RA/Marduk, Thoth, Enoch, The Pyramid Wars, The Rothschild Dynasty, The Earth Realm Simulation, Karmic Wheel Souls (Humans), Volunteer Souls (Starseeds), No-Soul Avatars (Backfill People), and More! | Billy Carson on Sean Stone's "BuzzSaw"
Friday Night LIVESTREAM with Mike and Josh: Trump/Dr. Phil Interview (Round 2 Reaction) + Answering a Viewer’s [Esoteric-Based] Question Which Asks “Why Do Humans Seem to Get Sick Much Easier Than Animals?”
You Are Protected From The Reptilian Presence; But When Their Threat is Over IF YOU CAN'T UNITE AS HUMANS You'll Have No Choice, But to Take Particularly FULL Responsibility for Your New Earth Build! | Dr. Michael Salla on Redacted News
🚨 MADURO SURRENDERS 🚨 Venezuelan President Publicly Exposes How The Biden Admin Purposely Imported The Vicious Tren De Aragua Gang To The U.S. And Used Them To Carry Out Drug Dealing/Human Trafficking For The Democratic Party Crime Syndicate!
The Tribulations: Will Israel Genocidally VAPORIZING Humans and the MASSIVE Terror Attack on Moscow Launch WW3? How Patient Will President Putin Remain? Alex Jones Has the Conversation on X Spaces!
SPIRIT IS BACK IN THIS COUNTRY: DJT Arrives To Roaring Applause At The Daytona 500, 47 Announced The World Is No Longer Under The Spell Of Globalism And Its Anti-Human Agenda!
Good Morning!... So, What ELSE is New? No, Not About Rigging, ABOUT PEOPLE NOT MAKING A BIG STINK! You're Telling Me American Humans Had So Little to Say? Saving it All up for the Last Minute as Usual? #YouAreTheResultOfYourVibration | Veteran Biker
GET TO KNOW YOUR SHERIFF. Cuz When You're Tired of This Crap This is What the Scene Looks Like—Not Because You Can't Do Better, But You Never Do. Humans Wait Til the Last Minute and Corner Themselves into the TOUGHEST Timelines. So, Be Ready!!
🚨 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE 🚨 Former Top Federal Official Issues An Emergency Warning To President Trump: The Globalists Are Engaged In A Secret OMNI WAR Designed To Collapse Human Civilization!