Baphomet | Dr. Stella Immanuel & Attorney Doug Mahaffey | SHOCKING!!! Why Did President Truman Install a Baphomet-Themed Mirror In the White House In 1946? Separating Sheep & Goats? | Musk, Grimes, AI, Baphomet, & Yuval Noah Harari
Baphomet | Why Did President Truman Install a Baphomet-Themed Mirror In the White House In 1946? Separating the Sheep & the Goats? | Elon Musk, Grimes (Mother of Two Elon MuskChildren), AI, Baphomet, Aleister Crowley & Yuval Noah Harari
Kirk's Rumors About Biden Emergency, Replica of Ark of Covenant At Trump's House, The Crypto-AI-Luciferase-Mark of the Beast Connections, Trump Announces Fink As Future Treasury Sec, Kamala The Lotus Flower in I Pet Goat II & The Cabal