COVID Vaccines | "I Regret Getting the COVID Vaccine, And for the First Time I Tested Positive for An Auto-Immune Issue At My Annual Physical." - Megyn Kelly + "The COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Aids." - The Late Great Dr. Zelenko
Petrodollar | How the Petrodollar Began & Ended + Discover How the Petrodollar Was Created By President Nixon & Kissinger + How It Ended By BRICS As the Chinese Digital Yuan Was Used for the First Time to Settle a Crude Oil Transaction
Marina Abramović | How to Correctly Pronounce Marina Abramović? Marina Abramo-Witch | "I Was Just So Happy That He Said the Name Exactly Correct (ABRAMO-WITCH), It's the First Time It's Happened Today." - Marina Abramović
Yuval Noah Harari | "For the First Time Adults Are Not Really Good Guides for the Future of These Kids. It's Becoming More Difficult for Adults to Understand the World That the Kids Have to Struggle With Everyday." + Matthew 10:21 + HR666
A New World Order | "Novus Order Seclorem, A New Order Forever." - Nancy Pelosi, "We Are Now Facing a Common Challenge And the Challenge Is How to Build a World Order for the First Time In History On a Global Basis." - Henry Kissinger
Graphene | Why Did Researchers At Georgia Tech Produce a Working, Scalable Semiconductor Created from GRAPHENE for the First Time (1/4/2024)? Why Is Graphene In the COVID Shots? Why Is Graphene the Basis of Quantum Technology?
Trump Vs. The Oligarchic System | "Donald Trump Was a BIG SHOCK. It Was the First Time of the Oligarchic System That Happened By Accident. The Process Which Are Dealing Now, This Plandemic Was Supposed to Happen In 2016." - Călin Georgescu