Long Beach, CA Freedom USA, California Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, Light Dove Ministries, Glad Tidings Church, We the People 2, and Patriot View Organization: Calling All Pastors, Sheriffs, and Patriots 4_27_2023
#271 False Profits, Politicians, Pastors & Teachings All Sacrificing Our Children! All Of Them Are FRAUDS & We Worship At Their Altars...Wonder Why We Are Losing The Battle? | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA
LIVE! US DOD MARATHON! Wed-Jan.22,-25 Joe Biden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose Biden Terror Plots & explain MASA P3i Public Self Defence Initiative: protect your family from Soros Biden EVIL: millions of Cross-Border Terrorists!
Pastor Mark Burns | “They Are Even Trying To Force You To Wear Masks For A Evil, Evil, Man-made Disease That Came From The Gates Of Hell.” - Pastor Mark Burns